Semantic Games

We weren't planning on writing an essay at this time until Senator Lindsay Graham's squeaky voice was blared across the nation via "Meet the Press."  With all the Bush I/Clinton/Bush II renegades running around who have actually violated serious laws, not to mention any number of Wall Street hooligans, mercenary overlords and Congressional shysters that could relieve any prosecutorial inertia that Uncle Sam might have, Lindsay Graham huffs and puffs about Susan Rice.  The U.S.' U.N. Ambassador's "crime" seems to be not stating the various nuances of the word "terrorism" well enough to meet the sanctimonious tastes of Senator Graham and his "Semantic Handbook."  What's your ransom, South Carolina?  How about the next 6 Super Bowls have to be played in Charleston if Graham is voted out in the next election (one Super Bowl for each year of his term).

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[Originally published on Commoner on 11/19/12; revised on 5/25/13.]
